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Travel News

Want to know what are the new airlines restrictions.
All the critical information you need for traveling.
Subscribe to the newsletters and be up to date.

Pictures - Must have sites

If your into pictures you should take a look at the following:

For panorama pictures

For your pictures


Try to send a large file over the internet and keep on getting email errors from your service provider.
That's simple use YouSendIt.com
This site it too good to me. It let's you send at least 1 gig of data files, pictures, etc. - you name it. It's free and it takes a while but if you have time this is the right way to go.

How it work:
You go to the site type your email address and the email address that you want to send it to and find file via your computer and following the directions.
Your file depending how big will be sent to another email address via an email with another link. The other person on the other side clicks the link and has 7 days to download the link. After that the files are gone forever and you have to do the whole process all over if the 7 days elapse.
Try it you'll enjoy this one



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Free Magazines

Wow is this possible.
Yes it is.
Who doesn't want free magazines.
Try http://www.freebizmag.com/welcome.asp?FBMVisitId=2428509109
And sign up to get your free magazine subscriptions.

How it works:
The idea is that you sign up and later on you get these fabulous magazines and after the 1 year subscription is over you will subscribe to them and they have a new customer. But no one ever said that you have to subscribe to them. My concept is get as many free magazines as possible. Why not since there free. But free is not always free. You have to wait for these freebizmagazine news letters that you get and fill out a questionnaires and subscribe to them. So technically they are retrieving personal information from you. In turn you get the free magazine. But still it's an offer you can beat.
Recommended to me by a friend this site works and I've been getting magazines for over 5 years without subscribing. Enjoy and use it well.

Want To Post Pictures via your Camera Cell Phone

Try www.textamerica.com
I've tried the others but this one it still way ahead of the competition.
To sign up it's free and you can create as many picture blogs as you like.
You can also sign up for a paid subscription which lets you customize your picture blog web page.
But why do that when you can still have it for free.

I love the fact that I can send a video file from my phone, camera or computer to textamerica and store it for free. I have yet to pay for service that other providers charge.

Excel Tips

Need some excel tips.
I tried to write down most of the hard tricks that they don't mention online but here are some.
If you have an new tricks please feel free to reply and post them as well.
There are so many and I have so little time.


Safe Guard your Banking Information

If you guys are doing online banking you probably heard of phishing.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to install this toolbar for safety.
You never know.
if you don't then just save this link one day you might need this information to pass it on to others

Ring tones on your phone for free

Here is another easy way to put ring tones on your phone. This site is open now but who knows how long.
It's as easy has picking the song from your pc.
Seeing the ring tone file, playing the file and sending it to your cell phone.
Try it out and you will not regret it.

Beta Version TIVO - That's not TIVO

They have this new beta version tivo online. It's still buggy but I believe it's going to be the next big thing soon. It's called netscape tv and what there doing is putting videos, movies, and talk shows online for free. Something to check out and keep an eye on. http://www.omn.org/
If everything goes right. Tivo will be a has been product and your pc will be the new tivo with the current software OMN running on it.
Today everyone wants to record there favorite shows and programs and watch them at a later time and it sucks that now you can't do that because it's illegal.
Netscape is moving in the right direction.
Check it out.

Shopping For Books Made Easier

Did you ever go to a book store, want to buy and book and ever wonder if that was a good price or not?
We'll never fear there is amabuddy.
With amabuddy is simple. You sign up and use your cell phone to find the latest prices around.
By entering the UPC code from the book using your phone you can get the cheapest price around for that book and decide whether it pays to buy that book at that bookstore.

check out http://www.amabuddy.com/

T-Mobile Coverage

Find those Cellular phone block out areas
The next time your on a call and loose coverag check out the compass T-mobile website.
It will tell you where and when your T-mobile will be out of coverage using GPS.
Unfortunately this is only for T-mobile customers now and hopefully other carriers will do the same.


What is plasencia.us ?

Simple it's me at your desktop.
Why not have the current news and personal computer world news at your feet.
I promise to keep you informed and updated daily and weekly.
I have a few tricks up my sleeve and will always keep you on your feet.
Keep up with my news and you will be ahead in today's technology world.
Make www.plasencia.us your homepage, sign up for my Yahoo groups and read my blogs.

Being a nerd is not a bad thing anymore