
Online File Search

Need to find an audio or video file online but don't know how or which search engine to use. This search engine is a great performer. You can even specify the file type online. It's even a plus if you subscribe to a premium file hosting site. Check it out, you will not be disappointed.


Online Coupons

Looking for coupons online to help you save money on a recent purchase you want to make. Help is here with these great online links.

Amazon Coupons
BestBuy Coupons
Ebay Coupons
Coupon Code


Who's Watching

Ever wonder if someone is watching you online. Well your not alone and don't be surprised on what information people can get from you by just browsing online. Knowledge is power.


Free Music

Looking for free music online, well don't be afraid because it's not legal. Here is a legal link to keep your music library up to date. Enjoy.


Portable PC Tech

Have already a portable PC Repair shop making money. Now before you loose money on careless and busy technicians make sure you get the right billing software in order so that your clients are billed in a timely manner.
Here are some great portable software's that make billing easier.

Shop Manager


Clean a Dirty Keyboard

Ever wanted to know if you can clean out a keyboard. Brace yourself, because it can be done. But I guess it would just be easier on spending a few bucks and buying a new one.



Looking for mutliple virtual desktops in which you can customize your applications so that each desktop is different from the other. Dexpot is a great alternative taking the desktop to a virtual level.


Secure your Email

Here are great tips to secure your email so that no one gets into your emails. In todays world almost anything is hackable. Take precautions and in the long run you'll always be ahead.



Dropbox has a new competitor and it's SugarSync. It does a better job that Dropbox when it comes to finding your favorite files online everywhere you go. This is a great way to take you music library everywhere you go.


Disposable Emails

Once in a while your going to come across a website that you want to sign up with but risk being subscribed to spam. In situations like this, it's best to use a disposable email address. It not only secures your current email address, but protects you from getting future spam mail. Feel free to choose any of the disposable email addresses below:

10 Minute Mail

Guerrilla Mail


Watch Your Webcam

It's unfortunate that people are using webcams to our disadvantage. Make sure you read this article and remember not all repair technicians are bad. There's always going to be one bad seed every now and then.


Win 7 Password Reset

This is a great way to easily reset your Windows 7 password using a USB flash drive. Hopefully you'll never need to do this step. But it's better to be safe than sorry.


Microsoft Safety Scanner

Here is Microsoft Malware Anti-scanning software. You download the current version and ten days later it expires. Just made especially to fight malware.


Make Your Own Wire

Want to save extra money by making your own Cat 5 or Cat 6 cables. This is how your going to do it and in the long run it's going to help you save a bundle.


See Through Privacy Glass

Here's a neat trick to show you how you can easily see through Privacy Glass. It's amazing on what an inexpensive item can alter the security affect.


Does Facebook hurt Relationships

Here's is a survey of how you and Facebook affects relationships. I just don't understand how a social network can have so much influence on relationships. What is the world coming too?


Underground Walks

Here are the top ten underground walks all around the world. It's just amazing how nature and man helped developed these marvel wonders.


Suitcase Tampering

You'll be amazed on how easily someone can tamper with a closed suitcase. Just because you have a lock, doesn't mean you can't have access to what's inside. Take a look on how easy it is to tamper a closed suitcase.


Computer Fixes

This is one way to help fix computer freezes. It's not guaranteed to fix all of your problems, but it's a start in the right direction.


Medical Animation

Here's the look of life in the medical world animation style. You'll be surprise on how technology has evolved within the last few years. It looks like almost anything can easily be repaired.