

Here's another freebie to cleanup your computers activeX and startup programs. This program puts you back in control of your computer. It's also a great software to find adware, spyware and worms that are running on your computer.



If you have been getting SPAM via text messaging, this is known as smishing. All you have to do is forward the text to 7726 and your carrier will mark them as abuse. And if that doesn't work then file a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission at  1-877-HELP (4357). Good luck.



Want to automate recurring tasks in Windows so that you don't have to do the tasks over and over again daily. This software will eliminate the repetitions so that you now can have better things to do daily. 



Looking for recovery software. Your going to love roadkil, not only does it recover files, it pieces together bad cluster files and bits of data to piece all the files together. A must have for file recovery.


Blue Screen Viewer

Tired of the Blue Screen of Death. Now this time you can easily figure what's causing the problem with Blue Screen Viewer. All you do is install the software and view what's causing the problem.



Need RDP to be secure. Why don't you use Putty and secure your connection before it's too late. You never know when your network can be compromised.


Auto Shut, Restart & Hibernate

Here's a great software to use when you want to shutdown your computer after you finish a major download. It preserves your settings and runs that tasks after everything is completed. It's a must have for user's who are running tasks and want to power off the unit after use.

Auto Power Switch


Blank & Secure

Here's a great tool for permanently deleting files on your hard drive, making it impossible for your to recover anything from that hard drive. It's the ultimate eraser for a hard drive. 


Network Monitoring Programs

If your in search for network monitoring software, feel free to take a look at these first, since they will save you sometime and money.



Phone Clean

Looking for a phone utility to give you more space on your phone. Here is a great software to use to get your more space on your phone. Unfortunately it's only works well with Apple made products. 

Galaxy S4 Update

Good news for Galaxy S4 phone users. Now when you do the new update, you will get a little more space than you first thought you had. It's not still a lot but good enough to add more applications. At least someone is listening to the customer complaints.




Interested on getting a learning thermostat for your home. Try Nest and see how easy it is to customize your home living conditions with this smart device that adapts to your lifestyle. 



Need a job and wished you had some online help to make a better resume work for you. Here is a great online resume maker to help you get that job you always dream of. It does a great job on gathering all your information and helping you tweak your resume for the real world. Give it a try.


Cmd prompt tricks

Here are simple tricks for everyone to know about the famous command prompt. If you think you knew almost every trick in the book. Make sure you know these few and add them on to your list.

send cmd output to a folder
open cmd in windows via folder
command history
drop and drag files
run multiple command prompts


Send Email using Power Shell

Here's a great way to send email using Power Shell without using any email client. It's DOS based and very simple to use. It's a great way to send email in a hurry. 


Duplicate File Finders

Here is a few duplicate file finders, so that you can consolidate your computer files easier. It will save you a lot of time instead of doing it manually.



Who Crashed

Getting the BSOD and still can't figured out what's causing the problem. Try using this Who Crashed software to narrow down the source with the problem. It's definitely going to save you time.


Google Reader End

Looks like it's the end for Google Reader. The new technology that changed the way we read news today is about to end because of declining subscriptions. User's tried to petition Google to reinstate their decision and  the verdict still stands on Google Reader ending in July 1, 2013.
For existing user's make sure to use Google takeout to export your current feeds to your alternative reader.
Bye Bye Google Reader and thanks for making reading easier.

Google Reader Ends

Google Reader Alternatives



Organize applications over several virtual desktops by using a tiny open source program that consumes minimal system resources.


Google Maps NYC Subway Alerts

Google Maps now provide immediate subway alerts so that everyone get get the recent delays instantly via Google Maps. I just hope they expand this option to every city throughout the United States.