
Correct IE 7 to save Passwords

This is a registry hack and you must be careful.
With compliments from watchinthenet.com

1. Close Internet Explorer

2. Click on Start / Run… and in the run field type regedit (you will need to have administrator rights to edit the registry)

3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2

4. In the left window pane, select the Storage2 key, then from the menu, select File / Export and save the key to your Desktop with the File Name: oldstorage.reg

5. In the right window pane select all values (except for Default) then press Delete and select Yes to confirm value delete. Minimize Regedit.

6. Open Internet Explorer and visit the web site whose password you want to save. When Internet Explorer asks if it should remember your password, answer Yes

7. Logout of site and close Internet Explorer

8. Return to Regedit and press F5 to refresh the list. Now, select the Storage2 key, then from the menu, select File / Export and save the key to your Desktop with the File Name: newstorage.reg

9. Select the Storage2 key again, then from the menu, select File / Import and select the oldstorage.reg file (from the Desktop), and click Open to merge the data back into the registry. Click OK to acknowledge merge was successful.

10. Select the Storage2 key again, then from the menu, select File / Import and select the newstorage.reg file (from the Desktop), and click Open to merge the data back into the registry. Click OK to acknowledge merge was successful.

11. Close regedit.

Also if you don't want to loose your old password then view this link to merge old passwords with new passwords.