
Outdated Technology

Very interesting on how we still use and rely on outdated technology. You figure at this age in time, that things would change and get better. Think again.



Cable Management

In my years of experience, seeing a sloppy server closet with wires hanging all over the place shows poor infrastructure maintenance. And a technician not concern on wire management alarms me. Cable management is a simple task to do on a daily basis. Not doing it properly or carelessly leaving wires hanging all over the place is an accident ready to happen.
When there is down time the company loses money, when money is lost in most cases it is never recovered. And a server being shut off because of a loose wire or being pulled is not proper cable management. 
As a Network Administrator you should be aware of your server closet and keep daily cables labeled and organized. Doing so will help you be better organized when problems occur.


Recent Internet Searches

Here is a handy program to help you review your last internet recent searches. It's a great program to review where you have gone in the past.
If you suspect someone else is using your computer, then this is a great way to see what user's are searching while your gone.



Alexa for Business

Now that Alexa has conquered home user's, it's new move is into business. Now still can't see how Alexa can be useful for you in business, well think. You will be amazed on how useful you can use this device in your business environment.



WiFi Umbrella

Looks like this company is taking WiFi to a new level and if it has it's way, let's just say you could see more daily items turned into WiFi antennas. Get ready for a connected world where ever you go.



Internet Speed Affects

Having a slow internet is just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to computer problems. In order to understand why your internet speed is slow you must also connect the devices that make that connection possible. From that point on trying to troubleshoot what equipment is causing the problem can take time. My suggestion is to experiment on a device at a time until you isolate the trouble device. And hopefully it can be replaced so that your internet speeds can increase.



Don't buy Echo

There are a lot of reason's why people are saying not to buy Amazon Echo and they are justified. Not only will Echo privacy concerns be an issue for consumers but how other big players can get access to your information with a simple court order and the list goes on.
In a world where Internet of Things is becoming a reality, so is privacy concerns. As a consumer you should be aware and alert of the future consequences.



Enable Flash in Chrome

To enable flash in Chrome is a little tricky. Since flash is going away, Chrome no longer is trying to support flash and makes it difficult for user's to be able to use flash. So follow these directions carefully and if your still having problems google enable flash on Chrome for more helpful tips online.


go to the Chrome browser and type the following:

Now find the flash section and type in Allow web address that you are trying to use the flash software on. If everything goes well do a quick refresh and you should be able to access the flash site. 

Good luck.


Google Link


Gmail Analytic

Want to know your Analytic results from your Gmail account. Here is a great way to see how many emails you get daily, what times you get them, what times you respond. It's a great way for user's to analyze their work schedule. It's a great way to analyze your response times via email. Worth checking out.




Here is a new way to buy a used car and you will be amazed on how cool it is to view a car inside and out with the features they have available. It's something new and let's just say will be the end of used car salesman and future used car dealerships. It's only a matter of time before they start selling new cars.



Do My Own Pest Control

Looks like this company is making a bundle by selling DYI consumers the products they need to combat pest. When things get out of hand, it time to roll up your sleeves and get it done.



More iPhone Tips

Here is a list of tips that most iPhone user's should be aware of. I have posted some of these tips before, so if you missed some it's a good idea to go back and see the other useful tips that you can use to make your iPhone unique.




Ever wonder how long things will expire. Well if you don't think products have a shelf life your wrong. They all do and here is a great list to go by when you want to know the product expiration date. So if you have any of these items lying around. There is a good chance in time they will expire.



WIns Update Link

Doing Windows updates on the new Windows 10 computer can be a hassle, so here is a simple way to do updates and get you going with an easy shortcut.
It's as simple as clicking a few clicks of the mouse and your done.


      On the windows desktop create a shortcut and put this information in the shortcut below

                Now name the shortcut Update and your done. 


Clear Outlook Auto Complete

Here is a great way to remove Outlook Auto Complete entry for user emails. It's a great way to remove wrong emails from your Outlook files that are not valid and that you no longer want to see so that you don't email the wrong user information.




Want to make sure your getting a great deal in pricing this year when comparing items to Amazon. Here is a great add on that compares pricing to see if your getting your dollars worth at Amazon and it sure can save you a bundle.



Amazon Delivery Confirmation Solved

If your one of those consumers who always buy at Amazon and always wonder why you get those delivery confirmation from them with no package. Here is the mystery to the where's my package problem. 
It looks like carriers are being instructed from their superiors that after a specific time period they have to pull over and scan all your packages. Regardless if they have been delivered or not. It's an agreement among Amazon and the carrier to continue doing business. Not doing so by the carrier will eventually result in the carrier loosing business from Amazon. 
So what this means is that you will get a delivery confirmation from Amazon that your package was delivered, when in reality it's not or it's in transit.
Now it all makes sense and consumers have no choice but to adapt with the reality of package delivery service. 


Win 10 & Google Drive

Looks like a lot of users are having problems with Windows 10 searching for Google Drive files and if you still having problems. Here is the fix for search in Microsoft.



TV Flowchart

If you have grandparents, parents or siblings that are not technology savvy and need always help with their television remote here is a great flow chart to help them solve their problems. It's a great way to get them out of a mess when their changing the remote. Otherwise your going to have to give them a visit to get their television back up and running.



Finding Stolen Items

Look like this person was out of luck when there vehicle was stolen a few weeks ago until some genius decided to post his stolen car on twitter and reddit so that user's can easily find it. And you couldn't believe what happened next. This is even better than the bait car series.



Internet Speed Test

Want to test your internet connection to see if your getting exactly what your paying for. Here are some great speed test sites to check out depending on your service to make sure your speed is at it's prime.

Contact your carrier and find out what your upload and download speeds are for the plan that you are paying for.

Do some test and see if the upload and download speeds match on what your paying for. I would run a few test at different times of the week when no one is on, to make sure that your speed test are accurate.

If your not getting the speed that your paying for, then contact your carrier and dispute that with them. If that leads no where, then your choices are limited. Which is to stay with the carrier or find a carrier who is going to give you what you paid for. Good luck.



Lasso Pro

Want to tame programs so that they don't try to hog up all the resources on your computer. This program regulates programs so that they don't turn into memory hogs. It's about time you take control of your computer.
It's a great program to monitor your computer resources so that you can continue working without any interruptions.



Zello Help

Good application, but it will not get you out of a mess should you get hit by a catastrophe. It sounds like it's can make sense, but when you follow up on the infrastructure that your application is being supported. The final results is that it's a phone application that's connected to cell towers. Should the cell towers go down, well let's just say your out of luck. Your no better off than texting or making a call to family or friends for help.
It's not that the application is not useful, but can be used as another method for extending yourself on getting help.



Windows Network Location

The next time you see the Windows location banner pop up choose wisely your new location for  your computer. Not choosing the right location may result in you having a difficult time trying to connect to printer and file shares.



Improve Logical skills

Ready to improve your logical thinking skills. Here are great games to tweak those skills so that you can become better on what you do daily, which is to solve problems.



MP3 Download

Looking for a site to download MP3  music files from Youtube. Here is a site to continuing on download MP3's. Enjoy.



Renee Becca Data Backup

In search of a backup software for your computer. Well here is a free and paid version for Window users. It's always better to safe guard your important files.



Facebook AI rescue

Looks like Facebook just updated their artificial intelligence to detect suicide prevention. The technology has been out for sometime but recently was it able to start doing what it was meant to do from day one, which is to prevent events like this from going on.
I am impressed and glad to see the company moving in a moral direction.



Disable Auto Scrolling

Hate the new browser auto scrolling option? Most websites are just not scrolling friendly and give users a hard time, viewing pages.  The only fix right now is to disable this option until everyone upgrades their websites.


Load chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling in the browser's address bar and hit enter. This takes you directly to the preference on the flags page. Alternatively, openchrome://flags directly, hit F3, and search for smooth scrolling to find it this way. Click on the disable link to turn the feature off.


This is why I was happy to see there's actually a way to disable the automatic scrollfeature. You only have to open the browser's configuration settings (Tools > Options) , go to the Advanced section and then, in the General tab, remove the tick from “Useautoscrolling


Launch Internet Explorer 8 by double-clicking on its desktop icon or by clicking the "Start" button and navigating to the browser. 2. Click "Tools" on the overhead menu and then scroll down to "Internet Options." In the "Internet Options" window, click the "Advanced" tab.


CloneApp for Windows

Want an easier way to backup all your programs when re-installing the OS or upgrading to a new computer. This program does wonders and it's even portable.


Specops uReset

Looking for a simple password reset software to get users back up and running. Here is a good solution that's easy to use, has good security and a great cost for network administrators. It's worth to check out and see if it works with your organization.



Retrieve WhatsApp Deleted Messages

Want to know how to retrieve WhatsApp deleted messages, then here is the trick to get back your messages. There are limitations but at least you have options.



Azure Backups

Azure is taking backup to the next level and it's up to you to decide if you want to modernize your backups. It's only a matter of time before all your backups are in the cloud.



Youtube browser Add-on

If you love YouTube you might want to look into this browser add-on. Not only will it make your youtube experience better, but make playback easier to do.



Nest Security

Looks like Nest is upgrading it's feature abilities to offer now a security system that requires no passkey. Pretty smart but very expensive. I am almost certain anyone can purchase a similar Nest home security product for a quarter the value of what this one is worth. I just can't see myself paying so much for just two sensors, a keypad and passkeys. You decide?



App to Track Phone

Before you monitor your staff, you might want to understand the Legal Restrictions.
Yes employer's can track you and your online activities with their company property. So before you decide on doing personal things with your company phone, understand that they can easily always see what your doing and how your using it.



Uber data breach

Uber just faced a data breach last year and instead of making it public, they did the opposite which was to pay off the hackers and hope to make it go away.
Just shows you more of the ongoing problems the company and it's future.



Malware Protection

If you hate getting Malware, then you might want to check this site out which is said to be Malware free. By using this DNS server run by Google you eliminate malware infected sites, all by using the DNS IP address in the preferred DNS server option.
This might be the best way to get rid of malware moving forward.



The Parrot

If you love IT Security your going to love the Parrot. It's a cool Linux OS that comes with hundreds of programs like scanning network and cracking wifi passwords.
It's a great way to learn more about computer security and see how networks are compromised.



Excel Tips

Looking for a better way to learn Excel when you have free time. Here are some great youtube video's to help you master Excel.



Spy on Kids

In this day in age it's hard to see what children go through in their every day lives. As a parent you need to be aware of what your children are doing daily and be there for them just in case. I am not for spying on kids, but if you just want to be cautious then that's a method that can be used.
Just remember to put yourself in there shoes when it comes to judgement day and remember on how you got the information in the first place.



$300- Data Recovery

I talked about this company a while ago and I must admit even after the video, this is a company I would want to do business with. Very straight forward and there terms are very fair.
You'll be amazed on how they do things and what you can learn about hard drive recovery, check it out.





Opt out Equifax Salary History

Looks like this new service from Equifax is stirring a lot of controversy on user's who don't want nothing to do with the credit bureau agency. If you want to opt out of this new salary history database, then here is what you need to know and do.
I must admit that after Equifax recent hacks, I don't blame users for wanting to opt out.



Dial a Human

Hate automated phone calls in which you can't reach a live person to take care of your problems. Check out this website with links and numbers to vendors that can help you reach a real person on the other line.
I posted this link a while ago and for some reason or another people still keep on having problems, so here it goes again.



Antivirus Flaw

Looks like a recent flaw was discovered by Antivirus software makers and hopefully by the time you read this everything would have been patched. But it's just another indication that not all programs are full proof and it is good practice to use different products when protecting your computer. Ex. installing Malwarebytes for malware and McAfee for antivirus software. The theory is that either one or the other software will eventually stop the attack should an computer infection take place. It's better to be safe than sorry. Now let's hope that they two software don't create software compatibility problems for you.



Iphone X Clear

Looking for a unique way to make your new iPhone X different from others. You might want to look into this and although it might be difficult at first to get use to. I must admit it is unique.



Fix Pc Low Speakers

Having a problem with Windows speakers playing a volume low. Here's is some help on how to fix this problem. Most of the times a computer reboot will solve your problem, if not then follow these steps.



Salary Lookup Service

Looks like Equifax just opened up a salary lookup service for companies to verify employment, applying for a car or home loan. It's a great service to satisfy employment history, now I am wondering how accurate it's going to be and if its really going to make a decision when applying for a loan.




This software has been around for sometime and hopefully today it will help you unlock your computer. It's a great administrator software that is useful in the real world today. Don't delay repairing a computer, because you don't have the administrator password. Get Unlocker today.



Awair Glow

Tired of manually turning on and off devices in your home to meet the air quality. Here is a handy device to help your appliances get smarter. It's a new generation of making appliances smarter.




Already using the cloud and don't know if your organization is using the resources effectively. This software helps you diagnose your environment and gives you in real time your monthly costs of Azure vs AWS in the cloud, plus more. It's a great way to review the decisions you already made in the cloud and if it's cost effective.
Besides that it gives you a better view of your environment and recommends what you need to do, to get better performance for the value. It's the artificial intelligence of your organization cloud products.


Password Auditor

Need to verify if your organization is using strong password protection on high privilege accounts. Here is a handy software that works with the active directory to show the user's who are still using weak passwords in your environment. This will help the system administrator create a tougher password format for their environment.



MS Office 2016 Referemce

Use Microsoft Office 2016, then this reference card will come in handy to help you overcome your everyday Office problems.



Yammer in Business

Why would anyone want to use Yammer in business? Great question and here is the answer. If you have Office 365 and have Yammer installed, users can get into direct contact with others users in the organization by using Yammer. This eliminates constantly emailing the individual and gives you access to user's on the fly. Its similar to your regular online posting boards, but this is just for company employee's who are on the Office 365 domain. Groups can also be made in Yammer, like Human Resources, Sales, Quality Control, Training etc. It's a great place to share internal information.
Another group that can be made is a Yammer 101 group that has technical information for user's who need the information.



Trace an Email

Here is good information on what to do when you want to trace an email. Usually a user will want to trace an email coming from a spammer or and individual who is causing some kind of situation within your organization.



Enhanced Migration Toolkit

If your concern with security on Windows OS you might want to look on installing this feature into Windows to get more protection. It's a great software to stop exploits.



Old PC Hardware

Take a look back of computer hardware from the past. It wasn't long ago that these devices were the top main tools used by many technician's. It's amazing on how times and technology has changed. Go back to memory lane.



Windows Analytics Device Health

Looking for a better way to diagnose Windows 10 problems. Here is a handy software to help you fix these ongoing problems. It's a great add-on for technician's trying to keep everything running smoothly.



MP3 Converters

Looks like the battle is still on with the RIAA and other companies on ripping music streaming. Now regardless of what these companies do, other companies will eventually pop up and easily take over what the last companies were able to achieve. Right or wrong is not my fight but somehow they will just keep coming stronger than before.



WhatsApp APK

Here is a great software for WhatsApp user's who accidently need to recall or revoke a message. Any user who has already used WhatsApp already knows that once a message is sent to a user, there is no way to delete it. Hopefully this will alleviate Android user's for the future.



Acting Classes Online

Looks like this famous actor is going to give everyone a good lesson when it comes to acting. Not only is this going to have many viewers, but it opens a market online for acting. Now anyone in their home can easily take classes online to act. Great incentive for anyone to jump in.



Sharing Netflix Password

For those user's who were not clear when the law was passed a few years ago, here is the information again. I doubt it that Netflix and other media companies will prosecute anyone, but don't be upset if they suspend your account. Know your rights now before hand.



Bad Rabbit Ransom

Ransomware is on the rise and I hope user's have their computer virus and malware software updated so that they don't get infected. If your curious how the ransom works, here is the details.



Enable Win 10 Exploit

Here is a great way to enable Windows 10 Exploit protection and how keep your computer protected daily. Windows Exploit Guard hopefully is here to stay.



Ransome MAC attack

Here are some steps to take if your MAC one day gets a ransomeware attack and what to do after you get a lock screen. The next steps you take are unfortunate, but you can still get help. Worse scenario you can emial Macworld for help at mac911@macworld.com with screen captures. Good luck.



Windows Latest Update

Looks like Windows recent update not only gave you the latest version of Windows but swallowed up at least 30 gigs of hard drive space. Now if you have enough hard drive space, then no need to worry about it because in 10 days the rollback software will automatically delete.
But if you in need of drive space, I would recommend on just waiting a little longer if you can to make sure Windows is stable enough before you delete. You decide.



Best Cellphone Battery Life

Want to know the best phones to buy that has the best battery life. No need to look further with these top five phones that give you the most in battery life.
So the next time your cell phone shopping, make sure to remember these brands.



Linkedin Learning

Looks like Linkedin is expanding it's career skills to eLearing so that user's have the right equipment and tools when they go into the workforce. It's an excellent move for them to keep career minding individuals in the market place so that they can be marketable.



High Spooler CPU usage

This usage reads a high level of CPU usage because of a problem with Windows printing systems that can be full of several tasks or printers that are not configured correctly. If you keep on getting this alert. Here is the fix.



Most Likely Animal

Looks like these animals are the most likely victims that cause human death. It is good to be aware of what animal in your state is a high risk item. Pretty amazing and I must admit it sort of surprised me on the type of state animal causing these deaths.



PDF Converter

Here is a cool software for those user's looking for a PDF converter to simplify their lives. It's as easy as just clicking a few links and effortless. Give the trial version a shot.




Here is a cool add on for Outlook to save your from getting the Ransome infection. In today's world any kind of prevention is a good way to stay Ransome free.



ADT with Alexa

Looks like Amazon Alexa works pretty nice with ADT equipment. Just don't like the option were I have to tell Alexa the password to disarm the alarm. That should be build in and stored on the Alexa application and there should be a special code for that. But that option should be revised and changed.
Regardless it's still a great buy.



Fax Machine Farewell

Are you one of those individuals who still use's a fax machine? Although many companies still have these devices around, it's already near to extinction.
Faxes were a great tool years ago,and now with technological advancements in smart phones and emails it's difficult to still want to use a fax machine. For the time it takes you to send a fax, this can easily be received and sent via smart phone or email.
The more excuses one makes for wanting a fax machine, there is already another device taking it's place and doing things much faster that what a fax can do. So move forward and say goodbye to the old fax.



Circle with Disney

Disney has this new internet add on device that filters the internet to the settings that you want controlled for your children's internet devices. It's an easy setup to filter unwanted sites for your young one's with the capability to shut off their WiFi at certain times. It's an ideal product for the concerned parent.



Apps outside of Windows Store

Here is the fix to install application outside of the Windows store. It's good to know how to do this just in case in the future you need to allow a program that's not from the Windows store to install software onto your computer.




Looks like the MTA in New York City is looking on ways to upgrade their metro cards and if so, let's just say the new technology via smart phone will pay the way for your train fares via MTA and Metro rail.





Home Robot

This home security robot is so unique that it not only patrols your home, but it's pet friendly, people friendly and works with Alexa. So there is no telling what else this home security robot can do. This kickstarter project it's in it's premature stage.



China changing the Internet

Looks like China is moving is big directions on changing how they use the internet. For others it's the future of Internet. But being in China, this is their way of life. Will it be ours as well?



Remove Hiss with Audacity

If your using the Audacity software you will be amazed and the great features the software uses to get your music sounding so crisp and clear. One such feature is the audio hiss in which with a few adjustments it's just a click away.
I enjoy Audacity and it's cool features to take my music to another level.



Firefox Updates

Looks like Firefox recently did some updates that some user's may want to install to get the best out of their browser. These new add on's will definitely make Firefox exceptionally different from others. Check them out.


Send Tabs

Auto Fill


Server Evolution

The server has evolved drastically for users and companies in the last few years. The technology has expanded and has become more practical for the everyday user. Now the next generation of servers is preparing for the cloud and taking technology were it's never been before.




Now a touch screen laptop is as simple as adding an a ruler band to your computer so that any user can easily enjoy that touch screen experience.



Laptop Power Plug

This information has been going back and forth for sometime and now here is information to put all of those myths away. What you need to know regarding if you should keep your laptop power cord always on.



Own your MAC

Everyone now and then you see certain people customize their MAC in ways you could only imagine. It's not for everyone, but for those user's who want to customize their MAC, here it is.



Win Thumb files

Here is some great information on Windows thumb files and what they are and do. Just because they are on your computer and try to make your life easier, doesn't always mean that you really need them. So if you like them or dislike them, just make sure you understand why they are there.



Reset WiFi Plug

This WiFi plug just has one simple job, which is to reset the Wireless internet connection should it notice a degrade wireless connection. It's a great tool for user's who always want their wireless working at top notch daily.



Comcast Net Increase

Looks like Comcast has already new plans for the year for performance internet service subscriber. Le't just say new year new price. So get ready for the increase.



iPhone Tricks

Here are some cool apple iPhone tricks that you should be aware of that your phone can do for you and it's always good to get to know what the iPhone can do for you.



Mac Touchbar

Looks like the Macbook Pro touch bar can give you more direct access to things that you can do, but will user's ready?



Google Calendar Addon's

These calendar addon's will definitely change what you do daily and take you to another level on scheduling your daily events.



Your Own Cell Network

Looks like these two students decided on doing something that many people will stay away from which is building their own cell phone network.
It took a lot of trial and error of course but with the right equipment the DYI project worked and it's a great way to understand the current technology current providers use.
I admire them for getting it done and showing other's that with hard work and understanding anything can be possible.



Elementary OS

Looks like this new software is changing the way we do things. As Microsoft get's older, other companies are still trying to take it's place and sooner or later someone will succeed until then it's still worth check out and see if it's for you.



Amazon blocks YouTube

Looks like Amazon is not playing games with Google when it comes to blocking Amazon video content and the fight might just be the beginning. So if your having problems watching content on your player, you might want to read this article.



Google Drive Update

Looks like Google will be doing some chances in the next few months and for many user's it will be good as for other's it might be a little confusing at first, but let's just say that they are updated their software and with this it brings new changes. Check it out and get ready.



iPhone Secrets

If you looking for extra's from the iPhone, here is some hidden features and it's always good to know just in case some day you need to put it to use.


Undersea Cable Done

Looks like Facebook and Microsoft's undersea cable installation has finished and it's the beginning of something amazing to come next year when it goes live. The cable will be the first technological cable to connect both companies to other parts of the world. I can only imagine what in store for these two companies next year.



Remo for Windows

Looks like Remo for Windows is a great efficient way to recover lost files and is worth giving it a try if your lost data is important on recovering. Although it's a little pricey, it sure makes recovery steps simple to use.



Powershell Offline Workstation

Here is a great way to put a workstation out of service using powershell, so that a user can do maintenance or upgrade on the device. It's a time saver and helps to keep off user's from an unstable workstation.




IKEA staff was pretty excited this holiday season to get their hand on virtual reality components. These new gadgets are going to help staff to guide customers to decorate their homes.
It's the new generation of home decorating, made possible by IKEA. It will be very interesting to see what this new evolution will bring to home furnishing.
